Now before you start correcting me on my use of 'Cocktail' let me EXPLAIN! Every once in a while, a stroke of GENIUS hits you. And instead of giving you a long winded explanation, I am going to let this recipe speak for itself. And I apologize in advance for no pictures, hopefully I will rectify that in the near future. Until then, ENJOY this cocktail!
2 ounces Demerara Rum (I used Lemon Hart 80)
1/2 ounce Coca-Cola Reduction Syrup*
2 dashes Bittercube Cherry Bark Vanilla bitters
Stir with ice for 60 seconds. Strain into cocktail coup. Cut a long lime peel and express the oils on top of the drink. You may then slip the lime peel into the cocktail and serve.
RIGHT!? RIGHT!??!? I knew I had those Cherry Bark Vanilla bitters hanging around for some reason. So, here's the reduction...
FIRSTLY, Mexican Coke is essential for this. You don't want to end up with flavored corn syrup. Real sugar is the only way to go. But basically, a bottle of Mexican Coke poured into a pot and simmered on medium heat for about an hour, and you're left with a nice thick syrup. In my case, i did it a tad too long, so ended up adding a bit of water to make a better consistency for cocktails. I still would like to make my own cola syrup from scratch, but for now, this is a great and easy way to get that cola flavor into a cocktail without copious amount of herbs and spices and know how.
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